Me playing music at Galleri Semmingsen in front of Master of Ceremonies (2019)
Norwegian band Spurv used my painting Monarch for their album cover (2018). Click the picture to listen to their brilliant album.
Wasserman Projects Gallery in Detroit (2017).
The restaurant Frukt & Grønt in Drammen has my painting Jonah Swallowed a Whale on their wall.
The model (2015).
The board room in the Norwegian tv series Frikjent decorated with my painting Jonah Swallowed a Whale (2015).
Art studies (2013).
ELLE Decoration visiting the studio of Tanja Eli Sæter (2013).
The album cover of Trvls using my painting Snow Globe (2013). Click the picture to listen to the album.
The model admiring himself (2013).
Pecha Kucha at Union Scene, Drammen (2012).
The vinyl edition of Pings Hurricane Spoof has arrived (2012).
The cover of Ping's Hurricane Spoof using my painting (2012). Click the picture to listen to the album.
From the ACTION Re-ACTION Opening Night (2011).
The album cover of Jono El Grande's The Choko King (2011). Click the picture to listen to the album.