Selected works

Master of Ceremonies (2020), from the exhibition Våkenatt at Galleri Semmingsen. (Click picture to see full exhibition)

Entangled (2020), from the exhibition Våkenatt at Galleri Semmingsen. (Click picture to see full exhibition)
Lair (2018), from the exhibtion Motherlode at Galleri Semmingsen. (Click picture to see full exhibition)
Overseer (2018), from the exhibtion Motherlode at Galleri Semmingsen. (Click picture to see full exhibition)
Unidirectional (2017), from the exhibition After Industry at Wasserman Projects in Detroit. (Click picture to see full exhibition)
Menagerie (2015), from the exhibition Midnatt at Galleri Semmingsen. (Click picture to see full exhibition)
Passerby (2015), from the exhibition Midnatt at Galleri Semmingsen. (Click picture to see full exhibition)
Monarch (2013), from the exhibition Slumbering Giant at Kunsthub. (Click picture to see full exhibition)
The Earth Below (20129, from exhibitions at Drammens Museum and Agardh & Tornvall. (Click picture to see my section with painting from various exhibitions).
Cold Comfort (2012), from the exhibition at Edsvik Konsthall. (Click picture to see my section with paintings from various exhibitions).
Aeon (2012), from exhibitions at Drammens Museum and Agardh & Tornvall. (Click picture to see my section with paintings from various exhibitions).
Family Tree (2010), from the exhibition Good Night To All at Kunstnerforbundet. (Click picture to see full exhibition)
Land of Gloom (2009), from exhibitions at Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum and Kistefos Museet. (Click picture to see my section with paintings from various exhibitions).

Outlying Realms (2008), from the exhibition at Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseum.